Never Too Young: Books for Babies
Verdick, Elizabeth
Baby Animals Black and White
Tildes, Phyllis Limbacher
Global Babies
Peekaboo Morning
Isadora, Rachel
Baby Talk
Blackstone, Stella
I Kissed the Baby!
Murphy, Mary
Moo, Baa, La La La!
Boynton, Sandra
Ears, Eyes, Nose
Sweetest Kulu
Kalluk, Celina
The Baby Goes Beep
O'Connell, Rebecca
Leo Loves Baby Time
McQuinn, Anna
Everywhere Babies
Meyers, Susan
Sweets and Treats
Yonezu, Yusuke
My Very First Mother Goose
Pío Peep!
Rimas Tradicionales En Español = Traditional Spanish Nurs...
Little You
Van Camp, Richard
Creature Colors
Zuckerman, Andrew
The Babies on the Bus
Katz, Karen