La mala horaLa mala hora
Title rated 3.75 out of 5 stars, based on 9 ratings(9 ratings)
Book, 2010
Current format, Book, 2010, 1a ed, Available .eBook
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"En La mala hora, Gabriel García Máquez construye una inolvidable fábula sobre la violencia colectiva. Al pueblo ha llegado la mala hora de los campesinos, la hora de la desgracia. La comarca ha sido "pacificada" después de una guerra civil. Han ganado los conservadores, que se dedican a perseguir cruel y pertinazmente a sus adversarios liberales. Al alba de una mañana, mientras el padre Ángel se dispone a celebrar la misa, suena un disparo en el pueblo. Un comerciante de ganado, advertido por un pasquín pegado a la puerto de su casa de la infidelidad de su mujer, acaba de matar al presunto amante de ésta. Es uno más de los pasquines anónimos clavados en las puertas de las casas, que no son panfletos políticos, sino simples denuncias sobre la vida privada de los ciudadanos. Pero no revelan nada que no se supiera de antemano: son los viejos rumores que ahora se han hecho públicos; y a partir de ellos estalla la violencia subyacente bajo una luz tórrida, espesa, cansada y pegajosa, en una serie de escenas encadenadas de inolvidable belleza."--P. [4] of cover.
In this novel it is a difficult time for the people in and around a small village in Colombia after a civil war. The conservatives have won the war and are persecuting their liberal adversaries. Then fliers begin to appear on the doors of homes. They aren't political pamphlets but are simple accusations about the private lives of the citizens. When old rumors are openly made public by these fliers, an explosion of violence takes place in the town.
In this novel it is a difficult time for the people in and around a small village in Colombia after a civil war. The conservatives have won the war and are persecuting their liberal adversaries. Then fliers begin to appear on the doors of homes. They aren't political pamphlets but are simple accusations about the private lives of the citizens. When old rumors are openly made public by these fliers, an explosion of violence takes place in the town.
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- Nueva York : Vintage Español, 2010, c1962.
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